Understand your AI compliance risks

Many potential users of AI are held back by the worry that their project may not be compliant with current or future regulations. This can apply if you use AI in any part of your organization.
In the worst case you may have to abandon your AI project, or face fines or other penalties. Use our audit tool to understand issues that may affect your plans.

You can purchase a digital audit, which uses Intelligent Knowledge Graph technology, to ask a series of questions to establish current and future compliance considerations for your application in a single jurisdiction.

Currently we support the USA, the EU and the UK as jurisdictions. We are working on adding more.

Unlike Generative AI-based technology, the Knowledge Graph operation is transparent, traceable and repeatable, and thus we can ensure the reliability of the results and rapidly adapt to changes in compliance and AI technology.

The results of the audit will be presented on screen and as a downloadable PDF link. Example PDF

Why choose us?

Our advisory team literally has the most experience in AI on the eastern side of the Atlantic!
Our main advisor, Dr Andy Edmonds, started Europe's first AI company in the 80s.
His specialty is in creating AI tools that are ethical, audit-able and transparent, The AI Audit Bot is his latest creation.

Our audit does not constitute legal advice

The intention of this audit is to inform you of possible future compliance issues. In most jurisdictions there is of yet no case law on which to base recommendations. Our audit must of necessity therefore be speculative and is our best assessment of the current landscape.
For liminal cases we are happy to perform a human review and then pass that information on to a legal professional at your request.